Welcome to the Warren County Bar Association (WCBA) Website

Message from the President of the WCBA


Dear Friends,

Welcome to the Warren County Bar Association website! As the WCBA begins its 112th year of serving area attorneys and the public, we look forward to many events in 2024-2025. The Warren County Bar Association provides valuable information, networking opportunities and services to our membership.

We continue hosting annual civic, social and philanthropic events, including the New York State High School Mock Trial Tournament in association with the New York State Bar Association, the fall Mixer, the Mannix Dinner in November, the March Mixer, Law Day and Liberty Bell Celebration, and the Association’s Annual Dinner in May.

We keep in touch with our membership through the Weekly Digest, which imparts timely information on topics of importance to the Barand through the Tipstaff, a more in-depth, quarterly publication, which includes articles, case summaries, and other materials of interest to our attorneys. Copies of Tipstaff can be found under the “Publications” tab.

Now that you’re here, I hope you will browse the website. Here you will find our Membership Roster, photos of past events, information about various programs, forms you may need, and several topics of interest.

Once again, Welcome!

      Hon. Martin D. Auffredou, J.S.C.
      President WCBA

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Audio Messages

Tape #2 JC Mannix 1989
by Fred Bascom


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